Riding High… 2Q2019 Review

computer screen of denver financial advisor Jake Milder

The sky is falling mentality has just pushed the stock market to record highs. That the housing market is slowing, wages are stagnant-or negative in real terms, and you can get a higher return investing your money in 3-month government debt than 10 year debt (yield curve inversion) doesn’t seem to matter and the markets…

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A Valentine’s Day Gift

paper markus spiske

December’s market selloff- or rather, January’s recovery, provided investors with a tremendous gift.  We now have the rare opportunity to reassess our portfolio and perhaps more importantly, our behavior and tolerance for risk, without the usual triggers for such evaluation; namely significant loss of capital. As many studies have shown, the vast majority of investors…

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2018 Market Review

wall street roberto junior

As we reflect on 2018, it is tempting to sugarcoat the year by simply reporting that it was a record-setting year for stocks – because so many investors would rather quickly forget the end results. So here are the end results: 2018 was the worst year for stocks since 2008 and only the second year…

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